
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Home business, is it right for you?

If you have or have ever had a j.o.b. I'm sure this image brings on an immediate "heck yes" from you, right?  The fact is the majority of people in the workforce dream of the day they can do exactly that....... fire their boss!  

Unfortunately most of the people who love to do this, have no plan at all to make it happen.  They dream of winning the lottery or inheriting millions.  And, firing their boss never becomes a possibility because let's face it.... pipe dreams rarely take you where you want to go.  You need a solid plan and a home business is the answer for millions of people all over the world.

But, is it really right for you?  Do you have what it takes to succeed with a home business?  Most of you will say yes but don't be so quick to assume you are right! To succeed with any home business you must be self-motivated.  You need a big "why" and you need to understand it is not an overnight success.  It is however, a very viable (not to mention lucrative) option if and only if you are really ready to be in it 100%. 

Succeeding with any home business requires work and it requires work consistently.  It requires you to step outside of the box and do what most people are not willing to do.... work with intensity!  

There are as many different home business opportunities as there are people but in my opinion the one that has no boundaries and offers a true opportunity for everyone is most definitely relationship marketing or what some will call network marketing.  What?  Isn't that one of those pyramid things you say?  I have to chuckle every time I hear that but unfortunately it is that laughable rumor that stops many from the success they dream of.  The fact is, this industry is and always has been one of the most lucrative home business ventures a person from any walk  of life can succeed with.  

If my previous statement is true, why do we hear of so many who tried and failed? I believe the answer is simple... they did not know how to work with the industry and they either had no help learning or they did not apply what they learned.  While it may insult a few of you reading this, what I see is way too many people who expect to have an abundance of success without putting in the effort.  These same people prefer to blame that failure on an industry rather than take a good look in the mirror!  The fact is, this industry is NOT difficult.  It does however require work and it does require consistency.

If you are person that will be consistent, apply what you learn and stay the course... then you are a perfect candidate for a home business in the relationship marketing industry.  If you are the person who expects overnight wealth, go buy a lottery ticket and hope for the best.  

I don't make these comments lightly and I certainly don't make them to put anyone down.  The truth is, I've been both the worker and the quitter.  I've blamed and I've failed.  But, when I finally looked in the mirror and accepted my failures as my own I opened my mind and became a sponge to soak up everything there was to learn.  It is those lessons that led me to success!  

I happen to believe knowledge is something that must be shared.  By sharing knowledge we can make the world a better place, one person at a time.  

So, is a home business right for you?  Ask yourself.....

  • Are you truly invested in yourself?
  • Are you committed to learning and applying what you learn?
  • Are you ready to throw out your misconceptions and go down the path?
  • Are you self-disciplined? 
  • Are you realistic yet hold big dreams?
  • Do you have a big why?
  • Are you willing to invest a little to get started? 
  • Do you believe in yourself?
  • Are you able to be honest with yourself?
This list could of course go on and on but I think you get the idea.  The benefits of a home business go way beyond income and tax benefits!  Truly owning your life and having more time to do the things you love to do with the people you love to do them with is priceless!  The fact is, you can have it all in this industry but to have it... you have to be all in.  A half-hearted effort is not good enough. Never has been, never will be.  

If you are ready to have it all and are willing to go the extra mile to have it; I would love to visit with you!  I work from wherever I want to and have for years.  I don't have a boss, I don't have limitations!  The economy does not dictate what I have, I do!  99% of what I do is online from the comfort of home.  I am able to vacation and work from the mountains or the islands.  I do not have to miss out on special moments in life and for goodness sake...... I don't answer to a boss!  I answer to myself!  

Ready?  Email me!  Tell me why you want a home business.  What is your number one reason?  Who are you? What do you want bad enough that you are ready to learn what you need to know and then take that knowledge to lay claim to your future?  If what I do is a fit for you, I'll teach you how to have the future of your dreams without a boss!  

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Are you walking the walk or just talking the talk?

Are you walking the walk or just talking the talk?
We’ve all heard the saying “actions speak louder than words”, right?  I think the reality is it is very easy to talk, talk, talk but not as easy to back up what you say with actions.  How many times do you read a really good book about self-improvement or business building and then “talk” about everything you are “going” to do? Maybe you’ve even gone out there and started telling others you can help them because you now have the knowledge to do so? 

I’m not mocking you!  Quite the contrary, for me it is a “been there, done that” sort of thing!  Yes, guilty as charged.  I’ve done it and while I should be embarrassed to admit it, I’m not.  Here is why… I’ve found every experience brings me lessons I need to learn.  Part of learning how to “walk the walk” includes making mistakes along the way.  If you learn from those mistakes you have to consider them a blessing because the fact is, they make you a better person.  Now, if you ignore the lessons….. shame on you!  If you have to repeat the same lesson a few times, so what?  The important thing is that eventually do learn and you take that lesson forward with you in life.  It really is win/win type of thing.  You mess up, you learn, you improve, you move forward.  

Never a loss, always a lesson!

Lessons bring opportunity and we need to always welcome opportunity.  It might be as simple as the opportunity to say you are sorry for something you’ve done, it might be the opportunity to truly change your life or someone else’s but there is always an opportunity presented with lessons.  You just have to slow down and recognize it. 
One of the hardest lessons for me was consistency.  I used to be one of those marketers that went totally nuts in one day and worked my tail off on that one day.  Then I would be disappointed that I didn’t see the results from my work that I wanted.  Seriously, it took me forever to finally learn that doing a couple of things very consistently would yield better results. It wasn’t that no one told me; it was that I didn’t listen.  I didn’t learn the lesson presented to me.  I was moving too fast to slow down and recognize the lesson I needed to learn.  Maybe you’ve done the same thing?  Maybe you are doing it today?  If so, slow down!  Take baby steps, take them consistently and you’ll soon see the results you are working for. 

Don’t believe me?  Let’s do some simple math!  If you spend one day per week just going crazy and talk to let’s say 10 people one day per week you will have spoken to 520 people at the end of the year.  But, if you were to slow down and consistently talk to just 2 people every day?  730 people!  It is all about consistency and let’s face it anyone can manage 2 people per day!  Now, if only 1% of those people joined your business or purchased your product that would be 7.3 people.  Drop the .3 and let’s take it further.   Let’s say you teach those 7 people to do just what you did and they teach the same.  Yes, I’m talking about duplicating and you always want to duplicate your efforts!  I’m not going to give you the answers here but I want you to figure them out for yourself!  You started with just 7, you taught them to do what you did and told them to teach it to their 7.  At the end of 5 years what would your team look like?  Would it be worth the effort that it took to just talk to 2 people a day?  I’m betting the answer is yes. 

You see it really isn’t about working yourself to the point your family forgets what you look like!  It is about habit.  It is about developing good habits that will help you create the life you want for you and for your family.  Develop the right habits and you create the life you want! 